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    Commercial Circuit Breaker

    Commercial/Industrial: Minimum panel amperage for most Commercial and Industrial buildings use to be 60 to 120 AMPs. By today’s standards, 200 AMPS is suggested as the minimum up to 400 AMPS.

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    Here at Electrical Supply Distribution, we offer many types of commercial circuit breakers to ensure that every business has the best circuit breakers for their power needs. We want to help you optimize your company with a reliable circuit breaker that responds instantaneously to overcurrent and protects your business from electrical fires.

    To learn more about our selection of commercial circuit breakers, continue reading or contact our team of industrial circuit breaker technicians today.


    commercial circuit breaker


    Industrial Circuit Breakers

    Industrial circuit breakers are designed to be installed in commercial buildings and protect the establishment from electrical overload.

    An industrial circuit breaker cuts off power flow when there is excess electrical power in the circuit. This prevents electrical fires and lets business owners know when their circuit is experiencing an issue. You can find your breakers in your industrial circuit breaker panel.

    Simple Industrial Circuit Breakers

    A simple circuit breaker will do the trick for most small business owners. They are generally more affordably priced than other industrial circuit breakers and still get the job done efficiently.

    If you need a slightly higher-end commercial circuit breaker with a monitoring feature, look into an electronic industrial circuit breaker.

    Electronic Industrial Circuit Breakers 

    Electrical industrial circuit breakers have an advantage over simple commercial circuit breakers due to their monitoring feature. This feature ensures shortened response times which are useful for commercial establishments that want the added assurance of a rapid response to an electrical overload.

    This is enough for some business owners to be willing to pay the slightly higher cost of an electrical industrial circuit breaker.

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    Classification of Commercial Circuit Breakers 

    There are many different classifications of commercial circuit breakers. Your industry and the voltage levels you use will determine which type of commercial circuit breaker will work best for you.

    Here’s a simple breakdown of the different classifications of commercial circuit breakers.

    High Voltage Industrial Circuit Breakers 

    High voltage industrial circuit breakers are designed to handle 72.5kV and higher voltage.

    Industries that use high voltage industrial circuit breakers are connective bus networks and commercial industries that use powerful equipment. High voltage circuit breakers are intuitively designed to anticipate circuit issues and remedy the situation before it becomes dangerous.

    One of the main features of high voltage industrial circuit breakers is their arc extinguishing feature.

    This enables the industrial circuit breaker to use air blast, SF6 gas, bulk oil, and a vacuum feature to respond to dangerous spills and other on the job accidents that require immediate extinguishing.

    Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers 

    Medium voltage circuit breakers are usually installed in an outbuilding or another substation outside of a commercial establishment.

    These circuit breakers can handle voltage levels between one and 72kV and are ideal for commercial establishments that don’t have extremely low voltage levels.

    Low Voltage Circuit Breakers 

    If you have a smaller commercial establishment and are only in need of a circuit breaker with slightly better capabilities than a premium household breaker, a low voltage circuit breaker will do the trick.

    Thermal Magnetic Industrial Circuit Breakers

    Thermal magnetic circuit breakers include two switching mechanisms that enable them to instantly respond to overcurrents. These switching mechanisms include a bimetal switch and an electromagnet switch.

    The purpose of the bimetal switch is to respond quickly to overcurrents.

    The electromagnetic mechanism on the thermal-magnetic breaker includes a wire coil wrapped around an iron core. The current is able to pass through the coil enabling the electromagnet to appropriately respond to any short circuits.

    Magnetic Industrial Circuit Breakers

    Commercial magnetic industrial circuit breakers run an open/closed circuit based on electromagnetic functions. When the electrical current reaches the correct threshold, the electromagnetic system closes, allowing the circuit to open.

    Different Brands of Commercial Circuit Breakers

    Here at Electrical Supply Distribution, we offer a wide range of high-end industrial circuit breakers for commercial businesses.

    Our selection of commercial circuit breakers includes models from GEEatonCutler HammerSiemens circuit breakersSquare D circuit breakers, and more. If you would like to learn more about our range of commercial circuit breakers, contact Electrical Supply Distribution today.

    Contact Electrical Supply Distribution For Your Next Commercial Circuit Breaker

    Whether you have questions about various industrial circuit breakers or you know the exact commercial circuit breaker you want and also if you want to learn more about the residential circuit breakers give us a call.

    Our experts at Electrical Supply Distribution understand everything there is to know about commercial circuit breakers and we’d like to help you find the best circuit breaker for your business.

    To learn more about our wide selection of commercial circuit breakers, contact us today.

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